Free Course 11: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

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Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

Welcome to this free course of Prompt Engineering for Generative AI in very simple language

Prequels to this course

Free Course 1: Introduction to ML and AI

Free Course 2: Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning

Free Course 3: Introduction to UnSupervised Machine Learning

Free Course 4: Reinforcement Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning & Self-Supervised Learning

Free Course 5: Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Free Course 6: Introduction to Computer Vision

Free Course 10: Introduction to Generative AI

Lesson 1 – What is a prompt and why do we need to learn prompt engineering

Lesson 2 – What is In Context Learning

Lesson 3 – What are configuration parameters?

Chapter 4 – What is ReAct framework?

Lesson 5 – What is a chain of thought prompting?

Continue your AI learning journey with more free courses

Free Course 12: Introduction to Large Language Models


Hope you liked the videos and presentation. For any suggestion/ feedback/ partnership, please reach out at nt(at)

Disclaimer – Most of the course content is taken from courses of All the copyrights of the material/ content belong to them. We have just included that in our course and tried to simplify it further to make AI education accessible to everyone.

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Nikhilesh Tayal
Nikhilesh Tayal
Articles: 75